12 Investment property

At the beginning of the year441,326469,252
Disposals- -
Net gain (loss) from fair value adjustments on investment properties (like for like)(17,856)(28,679)
Net gain (loss) from fair value adjustments on investment properties(7,342)-
In profit or loss(25,198)(28,679)
In other comprehensive income- -
Transfers out of level 3- -
Total investment property (level 3)547,528441,326
Lease incentives5,8254,653
Less: classified as held for sale- -
At the end of the year553,353445,979
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The Fund’s investment properties are valued by an external valuation expert on a quarterly basis.

On 31 December 2014, these properties were revalued by independent professionally qualified valuation experts who hold a recognised relevant professional qualification and had recent experience in the locations and categories of the investment properties valued. The carrying values of investment property as at 31 December 2014, and 1 January 2014, are in line with the valuations reported by the external valuation experts.

The lease incentives granted are included in the total fair value of investment properties. For the year 2014 the amount of lease incentives is € 5.8 million (2013: € 4.7 million).

The Hague2,748221
Non-core regions59687
Total investments131,400753
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The significant assumptions made relating to the valuations are set out below.

 Amsterdam Rotterdam UtrechtThe Hague Non-coreTotal
Current average rent (€/m²)154171169199125169
Current average rent (€/PP)1,8592,3411,1321,7046391,677
Estimated rental value (€/m²)152167160190105160
Estimated rental value (€/PP)1,8803,3831,2241,7525961,846
Gross initial yield9.4%6.1%8.1%7.2%12.8%8.2%
Net initial yield6.2%4.4%8.1%5.7%9.8%6.3%
Current vacancy rate (LFA m²)52.6%27.4%66.0%14.7%15.2%26.3%
Current vacancy rate (PP)72.5%35.5%33.5%18.8%5.4%33.9%
Current vacancy rate (financial)3.5%31.4%28.6%7.4%11.2%10.1%
Long-term vacancy rate6.0%25.1%53.9%6.2%19.6%13.9%
Long-term growth rental rate1.6%0.6%0.6%1.5%1.1%1.4%
Average 10-years inflation rate (IPD Nederland)     1.9%
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 Amsterdam Rotterdam UtrechtThe Hague Non-coreTotal
Current average rent (€/m²)221166183198129180
Current average rent (€/PP)2,0201,4201,0161,6786851,475
Estimated rental value (€/m²)208151168193109167
Estimated rental value (€/PP)2,0421,0431,0691,7066061,573
Gross initial yield8.4%6.8%9.0%7.2%11.3%7.9%
Net initial yield5.7%4.0%7.0%6.2%8.3%6.3%
Current vacancy rate (LFA m²)3.7%34.2%23.0%4.9%14.6%10.9%
Current vacancy rate (PP)1.3%72.5%9.7%10.5%11.8%29.5%
Current vacancy rate (financial)2.2%30.0%21.7%6.1%14.5%9.6%
Long-term vacancy rate4.3%0.0%28.7%5.6%11.1%7.8%
Long-term growth rental rate1.57%0.5%0.521.63%1.18%1.46%
Average 10-years inflation rate (IPD Nederland)     2.1%
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The valuation of the investment properties takes into account a rent-free period/rental incentives ranging from 1 to 12 months after occupation.

As at 31 December 2014, the Fund had unprovisioned contractual obligations for future repairs and maintenance of € 3.2 million (2013: € 1.2 million).

Direct operating expenses recognised in profit or loss include € 0.6 million (2013: € 0.8 million) relating to vacant investment property. Investment property includes buildings held under finance leases of which the carrying amount is nil (2013: nil).

Sensitivity analysis

The appraisal of the portfolio implies a net initial yield of 6.3% (2013: 6.3%). If the yields used for the appraisals of investment properties on 31 December 2014 had been 100 basis points higher (2013: 100 basis points higher) than was the case at that time, the value of the investments would have been 13.7% lower (2013: 13.7% lower). In this situation, the Fund’s shareholders’ equity would have been € 63 million lower (2013: € 65 million lower).

The table below presents the sensitivity of the valuation to changes in the most significant assumptions.

  2014 2013
Change rental rates– 5%5%– 5% 5%
Value of the investment property change(23,193)23,193(23,860)23,860
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  2014 2013
Change net initial yield – 25 bps+ 25 bps– 25 bps+ 25 bps
Value of the investment property change19,163(17,700)19,694(18,192)
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