72 search results

CSR key data

Sustainability performance  201420132012 Response rate (based on NAV)    Listed 55%76%82% Non-listed70%59%46% Total Portfolio67%61%44%      Outperforming

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Key information over five years

All amounts in € thousands unless otherwise stated  20142013201220112010        Number of shares (actual)225,000225,000225,000225,000225,000        Net

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Message from the Chairman

In 2014, we saw the first real signs of a significant recovery in the real estate sector, as transactions in the Dutch market more than doubled compared to 2013, which was already quite a good year.

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Composition of the Supervisory Board

As per 1 January 2015, the Bouwinvest Real Estate Investment Management (‘Bouwinvest’) Supervisory Board has the following four members: C.J. Beuving (Chairman), M. Sint (Vice-Chairman), J.H.W.R. van der Vlist and R.Th.

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Mission and strategy

Bouwinvest is an investment manager specialised in real estate for institutional investors, with assets under management of € 6.7 billion, managed by 128 professionals (fte), all of whom are based in Amsterdam.

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Progress made in 2014

Highlights 2014 Growth of assets under management to € 6.7 billion (10%)  Return on assets under management 6.5% (excl. forex) and 8.8% (incl.

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