72 search results

5 Taxes

 20142013 Value added tax1,391876 Dividend tax5911 Total1,450887 Download XLS

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6 Deferred tax asset

 20142013 Deferred tax asset4,4704,250 Total4,4704,250 Download XLS  The compensable loss at year-end 2014 amounted to € 18,012,000 (2013: € 20,966,000).

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8 Shareholders' equity

Before appropriation of result   Issued capitalShare premiumRetained earningsNet result for the yearTotal equity Balance at 1 January 201422541,367(22,482)4,90324,013 Net result for the year- - -

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9 Liabilities group companies

 20142013 Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Residential Fund N.V.- 687 Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Retail Fund N.V. - 150 Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Office Fund N.

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11 Pension premiums

The movements in the short-term debt with regard to pension premiums were as follows:  20142013 Balance as at 1 January598624 Payment relating to previous years(597)(626)  1(2) Premiums due for the financial

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Contingent rights and liabilities

Contingent rights Bouwinvest has management agreements with the funds for an indefinite period with a two-year notice period, as well as a mandate with bpfBOUW regarding the International and Heritage portfolios for an indefinite period with a

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12 Management fee

Bouwinvest received a management fee of in total € 27.9 million (2013: € 27.3 million), of which € 25.7 million (2013: € 24.3 million) is based on the assets under management and € 2.2 million (2013: 3.0 million) is based on other mandates and

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