Financial statements

Statement of changes in equity

For 2014, before appropriation of result, all amounts in € thousands

  Issued capitalShare premiumRevaluation reserve*Retained earningsNet result for the yearTotal equity
Balance at 1 January 2014200,411262,3666,4241,260(1,260)469,201
Comprehensive income      
Net result- - - - 612612
Total comprehensive income- - - - 612612
Other movements      
Issued share67,03476,966- - - 144,000
Repayment of share premium- (22,000)- - - (22,000)
Appropriation of result- - - (1,260)1,260-
Dividends paid- (25,269)- (1,431)- (26,700)
Movement revaluation reserve- - (819)819- -
Total other movements67,03429,697(819)(1,872)1,26095,300
Balance at 31 December 2014267,445292,0635,605(612)612565,113
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* See explanation dividend restrictions Note 16.

For 2013, before appropriation of result, all amounts in € thousands

Issued capitalShare premiumRevaluation reserve*Retained earningsNet result for the yearTotal equity
Balance at 1 January 2013200,000293,6577,530(683)683501,187
Comprehensive income      
Net result- - - - (1,260)(1,260)
Total comprehensive income- - - - (1,260)(1,260)
Other movements      
Issued share411589- - - 1,000
Appropriation of result- - - 683(683)-
Dividends paid- (31,880)- 154- (31,726)
Movement revaluation reserve- - (1,106)1,106- -
Total other movements411(31,291)(1,106)1,943(683)(30,726)
Balance at 31 December 2013200,411262,3666,4241,260(1,260)469,201
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* See explanation dividend restrictions Note 16.

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